Are You Following Your Dreams?

In college, I lived beside a teenage girl who often came to me for advice. I always inspired her to move forward and encouraged her to understand that in whatever situation she was dealing with, she had options and it would be all right. It was from that early moment in my life that I knew making an impact in someone else’s life was the ultimate dream job for me.

Coming from humble beginnings, I never took for granted the blessings that came my way. I was the first in my family to graduate from college and ended up working at the world’s largest pharmacy company in accounting. Working in corporate America taught me a lot. But I never felt the gratifying feeling I had as a young woman; helping another young woman see all the beautiful decisions she could make for her life.  

I finally made my way back to my dream, now working as a life purpose and infertility coach. Are you following your dreams?

If you know you are following your dreams, you reduce internal frustration and get in tune with who you really are. It allows you to better align with your gifts and talents and gives you the opportunity to be free from the trap of living someone else's dream or the opinion of who you should be in your life.

Access your current job right now and see if it resonates with what you feel in your heart. If it doesn’t, why? What is missing? What do you really want to be doing?

Make a list of things you would do even if you weren't getting paid. Is one of those things the real dream? How can you make it happen?

Prioritize the list and meditate on the top three things to see which feels the best to you.

If you are ready to talk to someone about next steps, I’m here.

Level 7

Website Design JUST for Coaches!

We specialize in websites for coaches who want to get clients!

Does This Sound Like You?

“I haven’t started my website because I have NO idea where to start!”

“I don’t even feel comfortable with Google yet, let alone how to manage a website!”

“I know what I want to say to my clients, but I don’t know how to communicate that in words that will get them to become a paying client.”

“Honestly, thinking about all that needs to get done makes me want to cry!"

"I don't want to be bothered with all this tech stuff... I just want to work with my clients."

These feelings of “tech-overwhelm” often became showstoppers, preventing new business owners from officially launching their business.

We'd never want technology phobias holding you back from serving the world with your talents, so we created Level 7 Websites with YOU in mind.

Let us help you launch your website.

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What To Expect When You Start Fertility Treatments